How often should you be scheduling appointments?
Most people should make an appointment with their dentist twice a year to take care of their general needs. This typically means going in for a check-up just to stay aware of the condition of the teeth and to spot any additional work that might be needed, and what you can do at home to take better care of your teeth. These routine visits are also going to include a routine dental cleaning, which is vital. These deep cleans tend to go a lot more in-depth than what you can do at home, removing the plaque you may have missed, as well as the tartar that you might not be able to get off by yourself. This is vital in preventing gum disease, tooth decay, and other long-term oral health issues.
Addressing additional needs that you might have
Some people may have to go more frequently than twice a year, at the recommendation of their dentist. As busy as dentists are, these recommendations are usually only made when they are necessary. For instance, you might have to visit a professional like Sage Dental more often if you have gum disease and, as such, they want to ensure that your teeth are cleaned as thoroughly as possible more often to give your gums a chance to heal. If you are a smoker, a diabetic, or have a weakened immune response, then your dentist may ask you to visit once every three or four months.
Go if you think that you need to
You shouldn’t always wait for an appointment, either. If you have any reason to suspect that you’re experiencing a legitimate dental emergency, then you should be ready to seek emergency help with them. A dental emergency can include anything from severe toothache, to immediate visible damage to your tooth, a dental abscess, problems with dental restoration work, or soft tissue injury around the tooth, such as a cut to the gum. If you’re not certain, call your dentist. They may want to bring you in just to be certain, but it’s usually better to be safe than sorry.
If you’re not visiting your dentist as often as you should, then it is almost guaranteed you’re going to be surprised by more serious dental issues down the line. Follow the tips above, and make sure that you’re getting your routine visits as well as any additional attention you may need.
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