On the Surface: 8 Physical Signs You Are Stressed

We all can feel under pressure sometimes, but one of the chronic mistakes we all make is thinking that stress is just something that is in our heads. Sometimes, we don't recognize we are under stress, which is why it's so important to be aware of the physical signs and symptoms. Let's show you some key things to look out for. Nature has a way of fixing all of our ailments. 

Grinding Your Teeth

It is perceived that grinding your teeth is a subconscious way to lower stress, resulting in this grinding motion. But grinding your teeth can result in chipped conor broken or cracked teeth. Dentists like Tri-state Dental Care can always fix these issues, but if your partner has noticed you grinding your teeth, it's important to address the underlying issue.


This is actually one of the more common ways that stress manifests itself. When people feel stressed, they touch their faces more, which spreads bacteria. While acne may be associated with teenagers, it can be linked to adult problems as well.

Frequent Illness

If you feel like you are constantly under the weather, this is because stress takes its toll on your immune system. There is a lot that needs addressing with regards to the links between your immune system and stress, but it's also important to remember that a poor immune system could stem from a poor diet, physical inactivity, and other disorders, which can all contribute to stress.


Stressful events can cause chronic headaches. The intensity of a situation can result in chronic headaches, but again it's worth addressing the issues that can cause headaches, such as a lack of sleep and dehydration. However, studies have been addressing the correlation between stress intensity and an increase in how many days of headaches per month, and it appears that stress is the second most common headache trigger. Some people try a variety of medications or methods to reduce headache pain, or even worse, migraine symptoms. Alternatively, others sometimes find that using cannabis or CBD products like those from Perfect Plant can help alleviate pain associated with headaches tension, and stress.

Decreased Energy

Chronic fatigue can be caused by prolonged periods of stress. If you are restless at bedtime, this could have a knock-on effect as you feel restless. Also, insomnia can arise from significant stress.

Digestive Problems

Digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhea can be caused by high levels of stress. Stress can impact people with irritable bowel syndrome for inflammatory bowel disease, which is usually characterized by bloating, and stomach pain.


Chronic stress could contribute to depression. There are many reasons for depression of course, and if there are chronic sources of stress in a person's life, this could result in depressive episodes.


If you are exposed to stress, you could sweat more. Studies have shown that people with sweating conditions like palmar hyperhidrosis can experience high levels of stress.

Stress is something that we all experience at some point in our lives, and it's important to recognize these physical signs, but also realize that stress does not manifest itself in just one way. It's important that if you ever feel stressed, a variety of factors may be the root causes, such as a lack of exercise and a poor diet. That is why they say that if you want to be healthy in yourself, you've got to eat well and address your lifestyle. If your lifestyle is conducive to stress, this will generally make things worse.

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