Sweepy Sleepy Baby Lounger Review

Bringing home a new baby can be so exciting and scary all at the same time. As a parent or caregiver, you want to make sure that you're using the safest products Not just for the baby but, also for your own peace of mind. There are so many products in the market these days how do you know which ones are best?

It was just this week we found out about Sweepy Sleepy, an infant nest/bed that makes snuggling, co-sleeping, and baby watching so much easier and safer. The Sweepy Sleepy is a hypoallergenic pillow bassinet that can sit right on your bed or floor to keep the baby safe and secure while Mom and Dad are busy.

Co-sleeping isn't for everyone although, I did with both my girls and don't regret it. For me and my schedule, it was much better having the girls within arms reach. I was saving time with those valuable overnight hours when I really needed sleep before my 4:30am alarm for work. That's why I like the Sweepy Sleepy Baby Nest so much. It gives the baby a safe place to snuggle without the worry of rolling off.

When I was a new mom, 15 and 20 years ago, I used pillows and blankets to build a baby barricade. That kept the girls from rolling over but it wasn't very reliable and I had to reassemble it every time I moved them to another spot. I still lined the floor around the couch with pillows just in case the little wiggle butts scooted off, it was a safe landing. I had never heard of these cool baby loungers back then.

So, A funny little story about my youngest daughter and the reason you WILL WANT the Sweepy Sleepy Baby Lounger.

My first daughter was four and being a single mom she still slept in my bed most of the time. I mean why not right she was the best snack and TV companion ever. When Cassie came along it was just one more little snuggle buddy in the bed. When she was about 3/4 months old, after the bassinet stage, she slept right in the bed with me. I woke up to her crying but I couldn't find her. It sounded like she was crying from the other room. My first thought instantly, Abby had snuck her out of the bed to play- OH NO! Abby was sleeping so it wasn't her. I was frantically searching the bed, under the bed, in the wad of blankets, I had just thrown, EVERYWHERE!!! But No Cass. I was in panic mode. Cassie was crying and I couldn't find her, that was every nightmare I had ever had rolled up into one moment. After about 15 seconds of what felt like an hour, I narrowed down the crying to the side of my bed. I threw the blankets again and saw two purple little socks sticking up next to the side of the bed. She had rolled off and was upside down. She was fine, no bumps or scratches, and stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. I didn't even know she could roll over yet! To this day, my now 20-year-old daughter laughs when she sees a pair of purple socks.

The Sweepy Sleepy would have been a godsend that night.

I want to share some features with you so you can see why I'm so excited about this bed bassinet.

The Sweepy Sleepy baby nest is made with organic material and very easy to wash. All parts of the Baby Lounger are made of 100% certified organic breathable hypoallergenic cotton. The Sweepy Sleepy lounger is equipped with the highest quality YKK zippers and therefore easily separable and washes beautifully. (Yay for no lumps!) It is rated the best in bassinets for co-sleeping. It's recommended for the ages of 0 to 10 months and compatible with all DockaTOT arches. 

It's adjustable for the baby's length. As the baby gets bigger, the Sweepy Sleep can be opened up on the end for more legroom. 

Something really awesome about the baby lounger is it makes the baby feel comfortable and snuggled. It's reinventing the mother's womb. Fussy babies love to be comforted and snuggled, the Sweepy Sleepy baby lounger does just that letting mommy and baby rest comfortably. 

Because of Sweepy Sleepy, house chores are easier too. It's completely portable. Whether you are going from one room to another or to Grandma's house for the day, the handles are conveniently placed and the carrying case is fast and simple to load up. Keep in mind the Sweepy Sleepy is not a transport chair. This is only made for stationary use.  

Check out the Sweepy Sleepy in the video below for an in-depth look at how amazing this baby lounger is. It's available on Amazon with a 10% discount right now. 

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