3 Great Ways To Spend Your Cash

We all work hard for our money, which can sometimes make parting with it a little difficult. Once we have paid for all of our necessities and bills each month, if there is anything left over it can be nice to keep hold of it. And whilst we would absolutely advocate building up an emergency savings fund, there are also a few great ways to spend your cash that we would like to talk to you about today.

Going on the adventure of a lifetime

Spending your money on travel, adventure and making memories is always going to be a worthwhile expenditure. Whether you choose to use up some of your savings or you throw caution to the wind and sell up and go traveling, this is unlikely to be one that you will ever regret.

Seeing the world broadens your horizons and it allows you to take in breathtaking sights.You might have always yearned to go on safari, perhaps you are keen to traverse a hiking trail, or maybe it’s the bright lights of Vegas that are calling you. It really doesn’t matter where you choose to go, it just needs to be your dream, your adventure.

If you have a family, perhaps the dream of Disney World appeals or a family vacation traveling around Europe? Look into the logistics, talk it over with your family and start making those plans. They will be precious memories that you are creating, days and weeks that you will forever hold dear. 

Looking after your health

You only have one body, so do make the effort to look after it. It makes sense to invest money into your own health and wellbeing, and yet so few of us do this.

You could choose to improve your fitness levels and take up a new sport or hobby. You could try something that promotes both physical and mental wellbeing such as yoga or Tai Chi,

You could treat yourself to something that gives your health a long term boost. Perhaps you will opt for something like this organic mattress starting at $849 or maybe you will book yourself a course of complementary therapy treatments.

Investing in your home

There are so many brilliant and clever ways to add value to your home, making investing in your own property a great option for your money.

When you spend money on your home, if done well, you are not only making it a better place for you to live in, you are also boosting its market value. If you add a new kitchen, redesign the bathroom, convert the basement, landscape the yard or add another room, then you will not only get to enjoy the outcomes, you are also likely to be increasing the value of your home.

You might not have any intentions at all of moving house any time soon, but you can still rest easy knowing that your hard-earned money is being invested back wisely for a time that you might need it. You can move to free up capital or you can release some without ever needing to relocate.


  1. These are all really great ideas. I'd love to travel to Greece to see the ancient ruins, myself.

  2. i love these ideas! i am really determined to travel!

  3. Thank you for sharing. I would love to travel to far away places.
