Train like a Beast,
Look like a Beauty
Early in the morning, so early the clock only struck 7 am. You can barely get up from the bed. The eyes feel so droopy that you can hardly open them up. You feel tired and want to sleep, every single muscle in the body wants to sleep. Somehow you get up from the bed and make it to the washroom, freshen up and get out, but the thought of working out makes you sleepy again. Train like a beast, look like a beauty.
We know it is tough for you.
We know how laziness takes over the motivation to train.
We know it is difficult to take time out of a routine that is busy as hell.
We know how you find only a few reasons to train but 100 reasons to skip it.
Is it not worth it? After all, what is better than discovering a better version of yourself? An active, more fit and more productive YOU!
Here are some motivational tips that will help you stick to your workout routine with no excuses.
- Do not touch your phone before you Exercise
Usually, right after waking up, the first thing we do is check our phone! We check it for new notifications and emails and somehow end up wasting half an hour scrolling through social media. Checking your phone right after waking up is a clear NO-NO! When you wake up from a good night’s sleep, your eyes are fresh and ready to face the new day. But they are not ready to face the ever-so-bright phone screen. Even if your phone is set on a zero brightness mode, the backlight of your phone still has a bleaching effect on the retina in your eyes. When you unintentionally force yourself to look at the phone screen for so long, your eyes get tired and thus, the droopy effect. This also tends to make your brain tired and your body lethargic. If you don’t want that, do not look at your phone screen unless you freshen up and wash your face.
- First Get Some Energy
The best way to get some energy is to get yourself something hot to drink. You can have your morning tea, coffee, or green tea. Even a hot glass of water with lemon and honey would do. The warmth of your hot drink provides energy to your body, thus, making you feel active right away. It is also great for people who wish to lose weight as taking green tea or hot water before exercising help you lose weight faster.
- Fit in your Sportswear
Before you start to think, it is a waste of money to buy sportswear for a workout; we would like to tell you this. Getting into your sportswear is important for various reasons.
- First, it keeps you motivated and your body warm.
- Second, it helps you move, exercise and stretch smoothly.
- Third and the most important one, it is specially made to protect you from unseen accidents, like torn out skin, scratches, etc. Sports gear minimizes the impact of accidents to a great level, especially the shoes.
- Time to Warm Up
If you start your exercise right away, you will feel the need to pull back. Instead, start with some warm-up exercises. There is no hard and fast rule for warm-up exercises, be as random as you like. You can tread at slow speed and then increase the speed, dance to your favorite beat, jog, twist or simply jump up and down for 15 to 30 minutes. If you are in a hurry and cannot do warm-up exercises for 15 minutes or longer, then at least warm up for 10 minutes.
- Add Variety to your Workout Routine
Having a workout routine is very necessary but doing the same exercise every day is as boring as eating the same food. We need variety in everything. By adding variety to your workout routine, you can help yourself stay motivated. Here is an example of how you can add variety to your exercise routine.
Monday | Yoga |
Tuesday | Pilates |
Wednesday | Zumba |
Thursday | Lifting |
Friday | Aerobics |
Saturday | Boxing |
Sunday | Combination of your favorite workouts |
This is just an example of how you can add variety and stay motivated to exercise every single day. You can always modify your workout routine according to what suits you but remember, MAKE IT A ROUTINE TO EXERCISE DAILY.
- Add Motivational Quotes to your Workout Place
A wise man once said, “You Are What You Believe”. If you make yourself believe that you can, YOU REALLY CAN. Motivational quotes help you believe in yourself and keep you motivated even when your muscles are taut and you are worn out of the past days’ workout. Some of our favorite motivational quotes for exercise are listed below.
- Train like a Beast,
Look like a Beauty. - Take care of your Body. It is the Only Place you have to Live In.
- Stop Wishing. Start Doing!
- Sweat is Magic. Cover yourself in it daily to grant your wishes.
- Train insane, or remain the same.
- You may not be there yet, but you’re closer than yesterday.
- It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop – Confucius.
- You are the result of your choices.
- You earn your body.
- I CAN and I WILL!
- Eat Right
Eating right is just as important as doing a workout. If you continue to put unhealthy food in your body, you will not benefit as much. You can double the workout benefit simply by eating right, literally. FRESH, VEGAN and ORGANIC are your keywords. Try to incorporate more of fresh veggies and fruits to your diet. Eat them before your meal. Grow your fruits and veggies at home and look for organic food as far as possible.
We hope that these tips will help you stay motivated and true to your workout routine. If you have any tips that will motivate us and our readers to keep going, then please share them in the comments. We would love to hear from you and remember,
nice way to stay fit..thanks for healthy tips