Father's Day Must Have ~ Beard Ninja

Being a girl, I have serious issues with grooming and maintenance. Shaving, waxing, hair care, and all of the other fun stuff. With all of the hair care that I mentioned, if it's a bad day, it can easily be disguised with pants, a hat, scarf, or something like that. Could you imagine the frustration of keeping it maintained if it was on your face?

I know I have seen Aron have serious temporary meltdowns over his hair and beard being crooked. We just went through that this week, and it was time to get help. What had happened was, he has been growing his hair our for the past few months to get an actual style. He's been rocking a shaved bald head for over 2 decades. While trimming, a tiny misjudged movement in a less than convenient place, meant the whole head had to be shaved off.

That happened a few years ago. He was getting ready to get in the shower and shaving his face when my grama waked in without knocking. His startled arm jerk shaved off a whole chunk of his mustache. He had the option of a Hitler-stache or having it all off and starting over. He shaved the whole thing off. Accidents happen I know but what can he do to have an easier time with it?

That's been the big question lately. How can it be easier to get the perfect shape without having to use a marker, tape, and ruler? What about something simple like what the ladies use? I have seen some really awesome eyebrow templates, what about a beard template? Right on Amazon, the answer... Thank you, Beard Ninja for answering that question before I got to ask.

The lightweight plastic all in one guide is easy to use and easy to handle. I can't get over how cool this is. Every side and angle has a purpose.The Beard Ninja helps any guy with any face shape. It has the correct lines to give yourself a professional trim, every time, without worry or measuring. I'm so jealous guys. I have really got to check into getting an eyebrow template. I know they are out there!!

Another perk is there is a printed guide to show you exactly how to use each side for the desired angle. The guide is only printed on one side so it would easily be able to be taped to the mirror or wall for a constant reminder. If you are anything like me, that is an awesome thing. I am the 500x second-guesser when it comes to anything like this.

What do you think? Would you trust doing your own trimming with an awesome guide like this?

I received this product for free in exchange for an honest unbiased review. If you have any questions about this product, please feel free to email us directly.

Amy Groves- [email protected]

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