Refillable Baby Wipes Containers 4 Pack rom Dommare Available on Amazon

Finding products to fit your needs no matter what the original intentions are is awesome. Since Aron has been disabled, we have found several things that fit our lifestyle that we would not have originally thought. Baby products, bicycle accessories, camping gear, and more have become normal products for us.

Our most recent find is refillable wipe containers. These are mostly promoted for babies and baby/toddler necessities and accessories. I know because I have always bought them from the baby section of the store.

Since Aron lost his leg, he's not as mobile as he used to be. Getting up to wash his hands isn't as easy as it used to be. We count on wet wipes to help him in between trips to the sink. There are several problems and minor inconveniences that come along with using wipes so much.

The cost. Wipes aren't cheap. Buying wipes forever seems like a luxury item or a convenience but, it's not. I can see where it will be a part of our lives forever as a necessity. Dealing with the waste is frustrating. When they dry out because the container doesn't seal is one of the main ones.

Portability. Carrying around a big wipes package just isn't fun. Carrying a little oddly shaped hard plastic wipes container that will leak out the liquid and also dry out the wipes is inconvenient. They don't always fit in my purse, too big for a pocket. Great for a diaper bag but that's about it. Not to mention the design, so many get wasted because they are easy to misplace when moving them from room to room or to the car and back.

So here's the fix! the 4-pack of refillable wipes container from Dommare on Amazon. They are so practical, easy to use, and super cute.

Let's start with the design.


The expandable 9.5″x 5.25″ compact size is perfect for all places. It's a flexible container that can fit a little or a lot of wipes. The bottom pleats allow for fitting more wipes in the container and help it stay balanced.


The dual closure makes the waterproof wipe container perfect for long-term placement. When I say long-term, I am approximating about a month, from personal experience only. The wipes outlast the dry time. I have had this set for a little over 3 weeks and the car pack is still wet! The packs in the house get used faster and stay wet the whole time.

The top closure is a push style. It allows the wipes to come up one at a time without breaking the layers to continue the one-up-at-a-time dispensing.

The side closure is a super secure ziplock style to load the wipes. It opens easily and closes securely to prevent spillage and remain waterproof.


The ease of use with these wipe containers is awesome. Each container has a wrist wrap-style ribbon with a snap to secure it to whatever you need it attached to.

Wipes containers are amazing to have to save money and be more efficient.

I received this product for free as a gift.

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