Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common condition characterized by burning pain, also known as heartburn, in the lower chest area. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows back through the food pipe or esophagus. Some reflux is normal and harmless and does not cause any symptoms. However, acid reflux treatment may be required when it occurs too often. Also, note that acid reflux symptoms can be controlled and prevented by following the advice below or using medication.

Causes of acid reflux

Below are the most common causes of acid reflux;


One of the primary triggers of acid reflux is overeating. When you overeat, the ring-like muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter that acts as a valve preventing stomach contents from getting into the food pipe opens or gets weakened. Naturally, this valve only opens when you swallow, belch, or throw up. When this happens, the acid is squeezed through the opening and up the food pipe.

Going to bed immediately after eating

Some studies have shown that people prone to acid reflux should not go to bed within the first three hours after eating. Doing so results in more significant reflux symptoms.

Eating high-fat foods

Eating fatty foods results in the development of belly fat. The belly fat causes pressure in the abdomen to increase, causing the esophageal sphincter to get pushed upwards. When this happens, the sphincter loses its support from the diaphragm. This results in a condition known as hiatus hernia, which increases the risk of acid reflux and heartburn.

Drinking carbonated and caffeinated beverages

Research has shown that carbonated beverages and caffeine temporarily weaken the esophageal sphincter. When this happens, acid reflux occurs.

Other triggers or causes of acid reflux are;

Overeating chocolate
• Spicy foods
• Citrus drinks
Smoking and drinking alcohol

Home remedies for acid reflux

Acid reflux can be prevented through easy and simple home remedies. Below are some of these home acid reflux treatments;

Chewing gum

One of the most accessible home remedies for acid reflux is chewing gum. According to studies, chewing gum reduces acidity in the esophagus. This is because gum contains bicarbonate, which is a highly effective acid reflux remedy. Other findings indicate that chewing gum results in increased saliva production which clears up the acid in the food pipe.

Elevating your upper body when sleeping

Most people who suffer from acid reflux attest to the fact that the symptoms get worse at night. This is because when lying down, the flow of the stomach acid to your food pipe is more effortless. Therefore, elevating your upper body can improve the symptoms. You can elevate your body by raising your head and shoulders above your stomach. This will keep your esophagus tilted downwards.

Eating smaller meals

Eating small meals helps reduce the pressure on the esophageal sphincter, which separates the food pipe from your stomach. By doing so, it allows the sphincter to remain closed unless you are swallowing. When the sphincter is closed, the stomach acid cannot flow up the food pipe.

Avoid trigger foods

As mentioned earlier, foods like chocolate, high-fat foods, carbs, and spicy foods are the primary acid reflux triggers. This means that you can prevent the symptoms of acid reflux by limiting your intake of such foods. It would also help if you steered clear of foods that can slow down your digestion.

Limit your coffee intake

Limiting how much coffee you drink will reduce the amount of stomach acid created in your stomach. This may go a long way in treating the symptoms. Restricting your coffee intake also helps your stomach's esophageal tract to relax, hence allowing food to get digested faster.

Final word

Note that if the remedies listed above do not work, you can always turn to DGL (Deglycyrrhizanated Licorice). This is an altered type of licorice used to raise the treat the symptoms of acid reflux. It also helps reduce inflammation in the stomach lining.

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