Unique Ways to Keep Fit

If you want to get fitter and healthier, then taking part in regular exercise is pretty much a surefire way to do just that. But when you think of just running for miles and miles or heading to the gym to lift weights, it can feel a little uninspiring, unless that really is your thing. In order to stick at your fitness routine, you need to be doing things that you enjoy, otherwise you simply won’t do them. So here are some less than traditional ways of keeping fit, but still have all of the benefits.

Indoor rock climbing

Indoor rock climbing is something that works well for an anaerobic workout, as well as something that helps to build up strength and balance. It can burn calories, and help to build muscle. You use your body weight, and your strength from upper and lower body to pull and push your way around the wall. Climbing walls are a good place to start, as you can follow set routes and start with bouldering.

Martial Arts

Martial arts are something that can be a really fun way of working out. You can try a variety, as there are plenty of options to choose from. You could try anything from Karate to Jiu Jitsu knife defense or Capoeira. They are high energy and high strength, so you can burn calories, get your heart pumping, and become stronger. There are also benefits like becoming more confident after taking a martial arts class, as you can feel stronger and more capable.


Skating is a fun alternative to running, because you get to be outside, but you get to have a little less pressure on your joints. It is a good aerobic exercise, and it is especially good for building strength in your lower body. Inline skating is the outdoor option, but something like ice skating can be just as good of a workout, if not more as you try to keep yourself upright and balanced with your core.


If you are someone that loves to dance, then you will love to workout with Zumba. It is fun, lighthearted, and mixes aerobic exercises with choreographed footwork and body movements. It takes dance inspiration from salsa, flamenco, and moves, to name a few, and it is a great way to burn fat, as well as build up your aerobic fitness. There are classes that you can attend, or you can follow videos online to do this at home. No coordination needed!

Aerial Yoga

For a lot of people, yoga on a mat can seem a little dull. Although it is great for strength, it isn’t high energy. Which is why aerial yoga can be a really fun alternative. You feel like you’re doing amazing things up in the sling, but you also get the relaxing element that comes with yoga, as well as building strength.

Are there any other ways that you love to workout that are fun and unique? It would be great to hear what you think.

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