Lice Treatment and Prevention with Vamousse

When we do all of our running and shopping for back to school gear our main focus is on school supplies and clothes for the upcoming year. We plan and prepare ourselves for all of the awesomeness that is about to go on. What about being prepared for the inconvenient stuff that happens? There is one thing that is so small, that makes such a big impact that we are never ready for. I mean NEVER! No matter how many times we get those backpacks filled for our big August adventures do we ever plan for this?!.

Can you guess? Ya, lice.

Vamousse is here to help us from the first notice in our kid's backpack until they are all gone. They offer four amazing products to combat and kill lice with only ONE TREATMENT!! I will never be able to express my gratitude for something without pesticides that requires only one treatment.

I am writing this post as a blogger and as a parent. I have experienced some horrific stuff dealing with lice and I am so happy to be telling you about Vamousse. I can honestly say I don't know how many times my kids have gotten lice.

I know it's one of those things that happen. Lice infestation is the second most frequent health issue for school-age kids in the U.S., affecting more than 12 million children, ages 3 to 11, each year. It is second only to the common cold according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Our kids don't go to school with lice, they just come home with it. It's not something anyone likes dealing with. It is SO HARD to be sensitive in this kind of situation. I want to make sure my kid remembers to not share hats, brushes, combs, hairbow, or other head to head contact but not sound so authoritative it hurts her feelings.

Just keep in mind, it's not the end of the world and it doesn't have to be as bad as what we make it out to be. Your kids don't have to feel embarrassed or ashamed. It has nothing to do with how well maintained your house is. Everyone is prone to get head lice. On a positive note, it gives you and your kid time to sit and talk. It's pretty awesome to have some unscripted conversation with these guys.

Have you heard of super lice? Super Lice are lice that are resistant to certain pesticides. Vamousse Lice Treatment works differently to kill lice and eggs, avoiding pesticide resistance issues. The active ingredient, natrum muriaticum, dehydrates the lice without using a pesticide.  Unlike many traditional products, Vamousse uses a physical mode of action to dehydrate lice and eggs by contact, to end an infestation fast.

That is such a relief for me. As I sit here and hope that it's something that I won't have to deal with this year, I am prepared for it.

After years of practice with lice treatments, I thought I had a system in place. The first treatment to address the initial infestation. Wait 7 days and do a second treatment to cover any eggs that may have been present in the first treatment and since hatched. The third treatment 7 days later to cover any that may have been left behind.

There are so many home remedies that just don't work. I think we have tried them all at one point or another. That's why I was so thrilled to hear about Vamousse which is only one treatment.

When you get that note home in your kid's backpack saying that head lice has been confirmed in your child's school, first of all, check your kid's hair. If you don't see any you can switch shampoos to the Lice Defense Daily Shampoo to keep your child and the rest of the family safe. If lice are found, the lice treatment will get your life back on track with one 15 minute treatment. The thick mousse and the long nozzle make targeting so easy.

Vamousse offers four great over-the-counter solutions for different needs:

Vamousse Lice Treatment:

Vamousse Lice treatment is a first of its kind treatment. It dehydrates lice and eggs in one treatment. This is perfect for when you find out you are dealing with a lice infestation. Anyone that has ever dealt with a lice infestation knows that the old forms of lice treatment ( Pyrethrins) do not kill the eggs. That's why the second and sometimes even a third treatment are needed.

It's a thick mousse that goes right into the hair and it's easy to get to those target areas like behind the ears and the nape of the neck. 

Vamousse Lice Defense Daily Shampoo:

The Vamousse Lice Daily Defense is great at preventing an infestation. Use it is when there is only one person in the house that has it. Or if the kids are going on trips, sleepovers, or outbreaks at school. It's an awesome resource for preventing a re-infestation.

Vamousse Lice Repellent and Nit Defense:

Lice Repellent is awesome to use every day in a regular hair routine. It's a treatment that can be applied before sleepovers or other activities. This is a good shampoo to use at school, year round. It's a spray so it's not like a lice treatment or shampoo, just add it to dry hair when you are done styling.

Vamousse Lice Elimination Powder:

The Vamousse Lice elimination Powder is for use of the home on the big stuff that can't be thrown in the washer or dryer. It kills on contact. It is so easy to use too. Sprinkle it on, wait about an hour, then vacuum it up. It doesn't have to be washed. By the time you are done combing out your kids' hair, you can vacuum and be done with the whole ordeal.

What I personally love about this method is it's fast and safe. It's definitely not your momma old lice treatment. It's doesn't take hours to get through. Even though it's fun to reminisce on that one trip at 3 am to town to find a store open to buy lice treatment, I don't want to do it again. Vamousse has my vote 100%!

Where to find it:

Vamousse  Lice treatments are available over-the-counter nationwide at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Kmart, and in some regional chains including Meijer, Hannaford, Food Lion and HEB, and online at,,, and

You can find Vamousse on their website and on their social media.  You can look for them by searching #VamousseLice or look them up on social media.

Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Vamousse via Momtrends.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Vamousse or Momtrends. 


  1. Oh, my, the nightmare when a kid comes home from school with the letter that says lice is going around!! Would definitely buy this stuff as long as it works.

  2. This sounds like a good product to try out. Thankfully I dont have to worry about this problem anymore, well except with my grandsons.

  3. We have been lucky to not have this yet. Knock on wood! Love that they offer a preventative.

  4. These sound like great products to have on hand if lice hits in our household.

  5. I am so glad that I do not have to deal with the headaches of lice. Thatwould really bother me.

  6. This would definitely be one of my biggest fears if my kids were in public school! I remember those days well when I was a kid and the school had to do lice checks. I really like the daily defense shampoo, what a great way to keep your family protected! Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. I'd definitely try Vamousse. And if it works, I'd keep it on hand because you never know when schools will have an outbreak.

  8. Look! Up in the's Super Lice! (Sorry.) I hope I don't have call to use any of this anytime soon.

  9. Very interesting! Sounds like a great product! Thank you for sharing.

  10. The daily defense is a good idea, lol. Maybe you can prevent the little buggers from ever jumping on.
