Our Easy Staycation To Start Off 2018

Welcome to 2018! What are your new goals for this year? My number one goal is to try harder. I know that may sound funny but I want to put forth more effort into everything. My marriage, my parenting, my work, and just life in general. I already try hard at everything I do. I can only imagine what I can accomplish and succeed in if I try harder.

With our marriage. one thing that I think we have gotten comfortable with is each other. We want to spice it up a little by being more adventurous. So we are. We used the extended holiday break and the points we earned from our summer traveling to our advantage. We had enough points to take a whole weekend out and only had to pay for half of one night!

We wanted to simplify things so we could keep away the stress. Smooth, simple, and enjoyable. Starting with packing. We don't need to bring much.The motel has most of what we need so we had to bring us, our clothes, and the devices we wanted to bring. That's it. It's a little staycation. We are only 7 miles from our house :)

Packing was super easy. I got a trunk organizer from Red Oak Outfitters. It's a collapsable 2 compartment container that has 10 exterior pockets. That's plenty of storage for our 2 overnights. The best part is it folds up super slim when we aren't using it. 

As far as it is portable, it has two handles and it's very sturdy. The pockets are great for our toiletries and cords. With this trunk organizer, there is no need for packing luggage or hanging bags. We packed what we needed and it was so easy!

We decided to do the fun stuff that we don't do when the kids are with us. For the most part, we did NOTHING. We got a cute romantic room with a jacuzzi. With all of the excitement of making plans and it actually working out, getting into town, checking in, and unpacking our stuff, we were both tired by 8pm. That's real life guys. Without the hustle and bustle of the kids, house chores, and everything else, there is actually time to be tired and embrace it! 

Our first night was all about the chill time! We went to a local restaurant, Brothers, that we love to go to. It's a great place for family or intimate dining. In case you are looking for suggestions, everything is delicious. We had the Mozzarella sticks for an appetizer and I had the Brothers Smothered Chicken. It was more than I could eat at once. I had the rest for lunch today. 

After we came back to our room, we watched movies on tv and talked about stuff. Nothing extraordinary. No life event planning or anything like that just full conversations that weren't interrupted by breaking up kid fights and negotiating over homework and chores. I love the beautiful disaster of our home life but mom and dad time was definitely something we needed.

The second day, today, we decided we wanted a different room since Aron's hand is hurt. We can't use the jacuzzi after all. Our cat bit Aron's hand and it's swollen pretty bad. We thought a suite would be better and we were right. We have a dining table for two, a couch, and a king-sized bed. We have been hanging out on the couch since we came in. 

We made plans to go do other stuff today like going out to the movies and a nice lunch and dinner. Well, this room is so cozy and our leftovers were so awesome, we might decide to go out later on. It's after lunch and we are both dressed and ready but this quiet cozy time is better than anything going on in this 9-degree weather. 

I will come back in a while to update what we do later. This is awesome guys. A mini staycation is exactly what we needed to set the tone for our magic 10 years!!


Our adventure took us to one of the local tattoo shops. Matching tattoo's- almost. We took a line from one of our favorite songs and had them put on. 
He has "I've loved you for 1,000 years..." I have- "I'll love you for 1,000 more." both on our left forearms. Sweet right. I love this guy! Our first 10 years have gone by so fast. Time flys when your having fun :) 

This trunk organizer is even awesome for shopping. I can bring it to the store with me and as the groceries are scanned, they can go right into my collapsible container and right into the trunk then right into the house. There is no need for all of those plastic bags that I cram into each other, hang on my kitchen window and never actually use. 

We love this organizer. It's perfect for all of our adventures!

I received this product for free to facilitate this review. If you have any questions please feel free to email us directly at grovesamy81@gmail.com or amy@aarlreviews.com.

We love hearing from you!!


  1. How fun! Sometimes getting cozy and snuggly is better than anything else. We've got a school break coming up and I think we're going to make it a staycation, too. The key is being intentional and not letting the week pass you by!

  2. You have showed us the perfect way to get away! The Trnk Organizer was a large part of working-out the conveniences that were needed.

  3. Sometimes staycations are better than going away.

  4. Ha! 8PM is my bedtime, too! I thought I was the only one.

  5. I don't travel much but this would be awesome for shopping!

  6. Sounds like fun. A staycation is just about what I can afford too.

  7. i love staycations, so much to explore in your area!

  8. I need a trunk organizer or something similar. I am terrible at packing and always bring too much Rosanne

  9. That’s cool about your tattoos. My man and I have our wedding rings tattooed, he has a bomb and I have a mushroom cloud.

  10. Thank you for sharing. Glad you had a great time together.

  11. Everyone needs a little vacation once in awhile. Glad you had a good time.

  12. I definitely need your packing ideas.

  13. I’m loving your blog! Staycations are the best! It’s nice to stay in & enjoy the hotel room & relax.

  14. I love a good staycation! My husband and I haven't done this in years, I definitely think we need to plan one soon! And what an awesome organizer, I love that it has handles! :) Thank you so much for sharing!

  15. That is one awesome organizer. I'm going to head over and take a look now. I can use it to pack my suitcase, and then when I get there, transfer it to the car.

  16. So sweet! I went on vacation with my boyfriend in December to Asheville NC and Gatlinburg TN, it was snowing and so beautiful, really brought us closer together and was an amazing experience! We didn't do much because it was so cold out, but we jammed in our hotel room and ate a lot of pizza!!

  17. So sweet! I went on vacation with my boyfriend in December to Asheville NC and Gatlinburg TN, it was snowing and so beautiful, really brought us closer together and was an amazing experience! We didn't do much because it was so cold out, but we jammed in our hotel room and ate a lot of pizza!!

  18. Sounds awesome! The trunk organizer rocks. What a great way to stay organized

  19. I can not remember the last time we went away for a night. I think we are due! I hate to pack though!

  20. Thanks for this amazing post, very helpful.

  21. Little getaways are a must for couples - sounds like y'all had a wonderful time; with tattoos to even commemorate the occasion forever! :)

  22. The organizer held a lot of stuff and with all the pockets it was perfect for that type of getaway. Just having a weekend to yourselves without having any interruptions is fantastic and I think everyone should do it at least 4 times a year. Maybe there would be a lot less divorces and more happy faces.

  23. I love staycations! Sometimes life gets so busy you can't enjoy your home life.

  24. Staycations are my kind of thing. I do hate packing though.

  25. Oh gosh I commented under the wrong place but I said I loved the bumper car picture and really wished that I could go and do that. I didn't think that still existed, but I have Lupus and live a shut in kind of life.

  26. That sounds like a fun and relaxing staycation. Those were such awesome tattoos also.

  27. I am a fan of "Less is Better" when packing. If you need something you can always buy it. Sounds like you had so quiet, relaxing me time together.

  28. Staycations can sometimes be quite relaxing.

  29. This sounds so nice and so relaxing. I am so happy you are getting to do this together. Couples always need some time alone. Thank you for sharing. God Bless

  30. staycations are the best, you got it covered with that organizer.

  31. Sometimes it's better to stay in!

  32. (Our Easy Staycation To Start Off 2018) I am so ready for a little vacation sometime this summer. Those little weekend getaways just is not cutting it.

  33. Glad you had fun! I'll need to steal some of these packing ideas.

  34. I was just talking to woman the other day and I asked her when she was going to take break. She laughed and told me that her and husband got a room at a hotel less than a mile from her apartment. She said they both came home rested, relaxed and recharged.

  35. I love staycations! The packing bags you have look great and so easy to use. I hate packing and these look like it'd make it easier!

  36. (Our Easy Staycation To Start Off 2018) I always start packing for a trip at least three weeks ahead of time. And I always make a list of things to take before hand too. That really helps me the most.

  37. Couples should do such things often. My husband (he was also my best friend) and I loved to come up with spontaneous weekend trips together. Thankfully, my mother and sister were usually willing to watch our kids. It doesn't take much money to do this if you enjoy checking out new little towns and eating in the local's diners like we did.

  38. Great for you 2!! I believe all parents need and deserve time away from their kids once in awhile to keep their sanity. And its ok, you should never feel ashamed or anything for wanting a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life at home. I think its a must to keep your sanity..lol

  39. It's always good to get away just the 2 of you. Do it as often as you can.

  40. Such a smart way to pack! And I love how easy it would be at a drive-to destination.
