Creepy Christmas Coloring Book Review

Not everyone fit the Holly Jolly Christmas clique. What I mean by that is it's not everyone looks at it the same. 

 I love all things Christmas. The sweet, the scary, and everything in between, is for me! I love hearing the stories. This is so cool and brilliant in the artwork. 

Some people really enjoy the things closer to the darker side. A little creepy with the legends and tales that surround what they see in this beautiful time of year. 

I had an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Have you heard of Creepy Christmas? Mister Sam Shearon's Creepy Christmas (A Merry Macabre Coloring Book). That is the awesome book I got to check out for a review.
I can't believe how cool it is. I was expecting come creepy twisted images but the whole thing altogether is absolutely mind blowing. 
This is such an awesome DETAILED book. I am honestly amazed at the art in these pages. It's full of poems and that really get the mind working. These are co creepy and I love it! The title fits the book for sure.
Some of the poems include Candle Fright, Chingle Bells, Gingerbread Men, Wendigo, Robin Deadbreast, Yule Goat, Past, Present, & Future, The Abominable Snowman, and Crackers. 40 poems in total. Every coloring page has a poem to go with it. So making the pictures look like you imagine them is part of the fun.
Find Creepy Christmas Coloring book on social media Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

I received this for a free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. If you have any questions about this product please feel free to email us directly at [email protected] or [email protected]     

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