A Special Thanks To My 11-Year-Old Vegetarian

What would you say if your child came to you and said, I want to be a vegetarian? 

That's what happened in this Groves house about 2 1/2 months ago. After we laughed really hard, we realized she was serious. I will never forget it. So, as parents of a very strong-willed 11-year-old GIRL, we started researching what we could do to help her on this awesome adventure. Still somewhat leery on how serious we should take her.

Just to paint the picture on this, she is the baby of the family and the only one that lives here full time. She comes up with a lot of super amazing ideas that we start and then she moves onto the next. She gets bored pretty easy. 

I want to be a vegetarian... 

Since she was so serious we thought we would give it all we had. We did some research and wanted to set some guidelines because, in all honesty, we didn't think it would last more than a few days. But, we still wanted her to get the full experience in case this was a life decision that she would be keeping.

Man, we were underestimating this kid for sure. We even went to the doctor to talk about what to watch out for and how to fix it. We basically wanted to make sure that this would be a healthy option for her. He said yes. She is a little overweight for her age but she's also tall for her age. She is the average height/weight of a 13-year-old. but she is very healthy. 

She was serious enough to have a game plan ready for herself. By the looks of her research and prepared arguments, she knew what she could and couldn't eat and most importantly, what she could pack in her lunchbox for school. HAHAHA, the most important thing. 

Keeping It Colorful

 There are so many awesome vegetables that make up for the protein and iron that she will be missing out on in her daily diet. I promised that I would do my best to do this with her but, I like chicken and turkey so, I cut out red meat. That's close enough for me. 

We try to keep every meal colorful. There are so many options in the color wheel to have healthy food. Our goal is to have at least 4 colors per meal, more if we can get them in there. The seasons play a huge role in that. Our local fruit stands are closed for the winter. We hit up the grocery store every few days to keep the fresh stock in. 

With vegetables, there are so many options for fresh frozen foods. That really helps with keeping it available for her. 

So with this adventure, we are not planning on weight loss but if it happens, it's ok. If it starts to be excessive, we are reconsidering our position on it. 

What comes Next...

We don't know yet. We are working on it daily. The whole family is being supportive and even though it is still a shock, we are all doing a little better for it. 

Being vegetarian isn't just salad all the time. There are so many amazing dishes to be made with no meat. 

This is an ongoing adventure in our lives, for now anyway. If you have any questions or helpful advice, this is a great time to jump in. I am so new at this. Please feel free to email us directly at [email protected] or [email protected]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's amazing that you're supporting your daughter's decision! I became vegetarian when I was 15 and am now 17. I recommend Morning Star products! They make "chicken" nuggets and "burgers" that taste really similar to the real deal. Have a lovely 2017 :)

    Edye | Gracefulcoffee.com

  3. Good for you for listening to your child, as long as she eats healthy, I would not see a problem with it.

  4. Oh wow, You must watch Forks Over Knives Documentary on Netflix. What an eye-opener. I have been really poor the last few years but I would love to follow it. I need to search my options more also. There is also a Forks over knives facebook page you would like too. wendym at cableone dot net

  5. It is so great that you listened to your daughter and are trying it with her. I would have to have some kind of meat in my diet too. Good luck!

  6. Great that you are good and caring parent that listened to their child! We need more like you. From your childs stand now they will be able to pass this on to others in a postive way as well.

  7. Wonderful how you support you daughter. I feel this is important at a young age.

  8. Good for her, and for your support.

  9. I think it's great that you are supporting her. We have a lot of family members that are vegetarian, so I'm used to cooking that way. Good luck to you!

  10. Your daughter looks just like you. She is very pretty. Thanks for posting!
