Changing Skin: How to Keep Your Skin Soft and Smooth After 35 #AmLactin #ad

~This is a sponsored post written in my own opinions.~

So, it's a beautiful day and I want to get personal with you. How is your skin? I know that sounds a bit random but, I am 35 and dealing with some issues that I never dreamed of having just yet. I mean really, I am only 35!

I have been dealing with rough patches that just don't seem to go away. Aron picks on me and tells me it's because I am getting older. He made a dinosaur reference and thought he was the funniest guy in the world. It was funny. Well, it would have been funnier if it were someone else at the end of the joke.

In all seriousness, I have been struggling to find a product or brand that is 100% able to cover my issues that I can count on and not feel like I am making due with what I have. I want to feel like something was made for me. Surely I can't be the only one with these issues. Did you know that 56% of women report being just as concerned about the signs of aging from the
neck down as they are about the signs of aging on the face?

The sides of my feet feel like rough low grade sand paper. I an just waiting for the day the buff right through a pair of socks. My hands are transitioning from looking like  my little sister's hands to looking ike my moms. Who both have beautiful hands by the way, I just don'y want them to show as many miles as they have been through. Not yet- in a few years they can but, not yet. 

So here is where the awesomeness began. I recently teamed up with AmLactin Skin Care  to review their line of awesome products and as always share my thought with you. This is more than amazing so I am really excited about it. 

Everything that I got to review will be the same prize pack that 1 lucky reader will get. I love it when we both get to try something new! 

I love being able to share these amazing products with you. Thank You AmLactin

These are all so nice. I absolutely love the texture of their creams and lotions. These are the fastest drying products I think I have ever used. There is no wait time,. I rub it on, rub it in, and it's dry. There is no sticky or tacky feeling what-so-ever. A super huge bonus, they are all fragrance free! 

I found the solution for dry skin! I do love this whole line, but my greedy favorite is the foot cream. I have always had such dry, as Aron calls it, scaly feet. Even when I was little.

I remember one time, my mom put us down for a nap. I couldn't have been older than 4. My older sister said "Mom, Amy has her cowboy boots on". Instantly, I cried because I didn't want to get in trouble. Mom came in there and pulled the cover back, I was barefoot. It was my rough little piggies. I was always a barefoot kid, I hated wearing shoes and it showed.

With the AmLactin Foot Cream, I am actually feeling and seeing results with my skin. This is something I thought would never be possible without a grinder. Yes, it was that bad. I regularly file my feet to keep the roughness at bay. I know I'm not the only one is why I am being so honest today. AmLactin Skin Care’s powerful alpha-hydroxy therapy makes skin soft and smooth at any age.

I want my feet to be cute in my sandals. I love cute shoes and sandal styles but when I have calluses the size of nickels and rough patches that can double as a weapon, I am not so confident in my cute tootsies. I am finally getting that back. 

The body creams and lotion are so wonderful. I still want that soft touchable skin. Another problem I have always had are my legs. After I shave seems to always be the worst. No matter what I use on my legs to shave with. I have tried extra moisturizing shaving cream, super hydrating razors with a gel strip, you name it. I just want to have nice legs when I wear dresses.

With AmLactin Cerapeutic Restoring Body Lotion, I can shave with a single blade and bar soap and still have soft silky legs. No flakes. No cracks. It is so nice. It's not just on my legs either.

With the creams and lotions, I can moisturize on a level I have never been able to before. I am not greasy at all. I don't feel like sand paper, it's so nice. Dry Skin may be "normal" to you but there is hope and help. 

Uncover smooth, radiant skin with AmLactin Alpha-Hydroxy Skin Care. Its unique exfoliating and hydrating alpha-hydroxy therapy gently removes dead skin cells to reveal soft, hydrated skin. It’s the difference between skin care and skin therapy. AmLactin
moisturizers are available on and at your local Target, CVS, Walgreens, Costco, Walmart and Rite Aid.

This is a great way to get your skin into the best shape ever and to be ready for this awesome weather. It is Spring Time and everything in nature is getting to start over. I am too! 

You can find AmLactin Skin Care online on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube!

For the Giveaway!!

There are only a few rules!

 In the comments section below, tell me how your skin has changed over the years by June 1st 2016.

On 6/1/16, I will randomly pick 1 commenter to receive $100 worth of AmLactin products!

Although AmLactin Skin Care sponsored this post and provided me with product and compensation, all opinions and text are my own.
Uncover smooth, radiant skin with AmLactin Alpha-Hydroxy Skin Care. Its unique exfoliating and hydrating alpha-hydroxy therapy gently removes dead skin cells to reveal soft, hydrated skin. It’s the difference between skin care and skin therapy. AmLactin moisturizers are available on and at your local Target, CVS, Walgreens, Costco, Walmart and Rite Aid.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of AmLactin Skin Care. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. I would like to try this to see if it would help out. I like the review, and I will be looking for this on shopping day.

  2. Amy, thanks for such a thorough review on AmLaction Skin Care Products. For some reason, I thought they were for new and nursing mothers. I just turned 61 in March and my skin is rough and crepy in certain areas. I don't like it one bit. I also fell and broke my right leg in 7 places and then fell again right after I got out of the hospital and broke my hip. I had to have 2 surgeries, wear a full leg cast that didn't come off like some do. After all of that, my already dry and crepy skin not onky looked horrible, but feels horrible. I didn't know there were any body lotions for older skin, but now that I do, I will definitely try it. Thanks for this giveaway. I would love to win so I can give it a try before I buy, but plan on trying it either way. Good luck to all.

  3. My skin has gotten oily instead of dry.

  4. I used to have wonderful soft skin. Now that I am 60 I have pimples again, oily nose area and overall dryness. It makes no sense to me at all!
