What Inspires You The Most?

What inspires you the most? Is it words that people say? Words you read? Hearing someone praise your job well done or encouraging your failed attempt to succeed on the next attempt? I love all of it. Even in failure there can be success if you don't stop trying. 

I love giving my girls inspiring things to think about. Quotes, stories, references to look up on their own, and most importantly, a great foundation at home. In their room, I have some awesome quotes on their walls with decals, and more all around the house.  

One wall in our living room is dedicated to nothing but inspiring quotes in frames. All to do with family, love, strength, and independence. We want our girls to grow into amazing young ladies and eventually brilliant strong women. That'a why we want to surround them with encouragement and positivity.

Our newest addition is so important.  "What If I Fail~ Oh But My Darling~ What If You Fly". 

This is something that needs to be addressed. I am a realist. I know there is failure but, I also know that with pure determination, there is success. 

I have been in places that I didn't think that I was going to be able to come up from. I needed positive encouragement and knowing that I can do it ~ to be able to get through it. 

I did it. Here I am. I am where I am because of knowing that it can be done. I just had to find a way to get there. 

I received this for free in exchange of an honest unbiased review. If you have any questions about this product or would like to see your awesome product on Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected]


  1. I love that inspirational quote. May have to steal that one! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think we all need to be inspired. We need to push forward until God stops us. I love the idea of inspirational verses on the walls. Thank you for sharing

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think we all need inspiration. Whether it be words or a kind act to let someone know they are appreciated.

  5. There are several things that inspire me. My daughter would be number 1 of course! But I read a lot (as much as I can anyway) and I often find quotes that inspire me when reading.
