Lily's Love Pacifier Clips on Amazon

Do you have a pacy baby? I know we have quite a few pacy babies in our family. With Abby, she was a thumb sucker. It was very convenient, she couldn't lose her thumb. It went with us everywhere. With Cassie on the other hand, she was a pacy baby and we lost her pacy a few times. It was HELL!!!

She cried to the point of me crying. She had 1 pacy she liked. It was the one that came from the hospital, it was the only one that would do. We bought look a likes, and tried every kind of pacy known to the shopping world. Only one would work.

That being said, Keeping The Pacy was a task. We used pacy clips and had issues with them ripping and stretching her clothes, slipping off her clothes, her breaking them, me worried she would choke, we were limited. It was a full time job keeping up with her pacy. She only wanted it when she wanted it and when she wanted it, she meant it.

I have found, a little too late for her but, not to late for all of my nieces and nephews, the softest Pacifier Clip ever by Lily's Love. 

The mouth on this clip closes with no damage to the clothes, it stays in place. It's long enough to reach where it needs to go but isn't long enough to get tangled. We really like these clips. 

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