Adjustable Monitor Stand/ Raiser by 2 lb Dept Review

This year is going to be all about making our life easier and more comfortable. As much as we can anyway. There are so many amazing companies that offer the things to make that happen. 2 lb Depot has really made that happen for me. 

My Office isn't exactly an office. It's a corner in my living room that I have claimed as mine. My chair and desk are not proportioned the right way and I get a neck cramp if I sit here too long. That's almost every day. 
I can make my chair go higher and lower but my legs have no where to go if my chair is any higher than the lowest setting. My printer is under my kitchen bar on a folding table because I can't fit it on my desk. So, every time I need to print, it's a fiasco of pulling everything out, holding onto the printer so it doesn't shake and fold the table. It's a process. 
With this Adjustable Monitor Stand/Raiser I can have everything I need right with me easy and accessible.  I have my printer right under my desk now With the 4 inch raiser, I have my paper under it. It is the perfect set up for me. It's sturdy too. So no more wobble and worry if my printer will fall and break. 
It has 4 adjustable heights so I can always change it if my needs change. It can hold up to 40 lbs so if I upgrade any of my work station, I know I can still use the monitor stand with no problem. 

This is something we can all enjoy. Now I don't have to hover over anyone in the house using the printer. It's easy, convenient, and nice to use.

I received this for free in exchange of an honest, unbiased review. If you have any questions about this product or would like to see your product here on Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected]

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