Bonus Box Tops For Education and Wal-Mart

This post was written by me on behalf of Box Tops for Education and Walmart,

Box Tops For Education are such a great way to help earn money for kids and their schools. We know all of the classic games to make it fun. This year, now that Cassie is a real reader, we want to get her even more excited and engaged.

Box Top Book is something that we made here at home, It is a page themed to the category that she has to clip the Box Tops from. Since the Box Tops have a wide range of products, making a few broad themed pages for her to be able to find the products and clip her tops and paste them on.

A Dime at a Time is a great way to go. My girls are getting older and learning the value of a dollar is very important to us as parents and teaching them that they can help everyone in the process it a great way to go. I made a $5 Box Top Book for my girls, it will be so easy to print off and share them with your kids, grand kids, or students.

We have already started her Box Top Book and will be sending it to school with her as soon as it is done. It's amazing how many products participate in this program and how fast they accumulate.

There are a lot of products that have Bonus Box Tops for a limited time at Wal-Mart. Some of these brands you may know in your household like Totino's™, Nature Valley™, Fiber One™ Betty Crocker™, Motts™, and so many more. These are so great for us as Box Top collectors. Right to the point, that one package is $0.50 for my kids' school.

Walmart Bonus Box Tops offer on select General Mills®   are great because they offer 5 Box Tops instead of 1. That's a half of a page in the book!! If every student can make 1 Box Top Book at my daughters' school this year, That's approximately $7,500. Could you imagine the possibilities that would bring. That's effortless, using box tops. These products are things we use all of the time!

We love Box Tops For Education and their purpose. It's amazing to be able to contribute what feels like something so small to be something so big.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.

This post was written by me on behalf of Box Tops for Education and Walmart,

Box Tops For Education are such a great way to help earn money for kids and their schools. We know all of the classic games to make it fun. This year, now that Cassie is a real reader, we want to get her even more excited and engaged.

Box Top Book is something that we made here at home, It is a page themed to the category that she has to clip the Box Tops from. Since the Box Tops have a wide range of products, making a few broad themed pages for her to be able to find the products and clip her tops and paste them on.

A Dime at a Time is a great way to go. My girls are getting older and learning the value of a dollar is very important to us as parents and teaching them that they can help everyone in the process it a great way to go. I made a $5 Box Top Book for my girls, it will be so easy to print off and share them with your kids, grand kids, or students.

We have already started her Box Top Book and will be sending it to school with her as soon as it is done. It's amazing how many products participate in this program and how fast they accumulate.

There are a lot of products that have Bonus Box Tops for a limited time at Wal-Mart. Some of these brands you may know in your household like Totino's™, Nature Valley™, Fiber One™ Betty Crocker™, Motts™, and so many more. These are so great for us as Box Top collectors. Right to the point, that one package is $0.50 for my kids' school.

Walmart Bonus Box Tops offer on select General Mills® are great because they offer 5 Box Tops instead of 1. That's a half of a page in the book!! If every student can make 1 Box Top Book at my daughters' school this year, That's approximately $7,500. Could you imagine the possibilities that would bring. That's effortless, using box tops. These products are things we use all of the time!

We love Box Tops For Education and their purpose. It's amazing to be able to contribute what feels like something so small to be something so big.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.
Comments submitted may be displayed on other websites owned by the sponsoring brand.