Softy Sanitizing Wipes for Hands and Surfaces Review

Softy Wipes got here right before Thanksgiving and my Plan was to try them out with a lot going on so we could all get an opinion on them. They passed my expectations by a mile.

The texture is so soft, I'm guessing that's where they got the name. They are so durable, not one has ripped pulling them out of the container and they really pick up the mess. The scent is a nice citrus one, not overpowering, and clean smelling. The 2 most noticeable messes that I used them on that really blew me away, The pie in the fridge and my glass living room table.

The First Test...

The pie in the fridge was a horrible mess. It was a chocolate cream pie made with instant chocolate pudding and whipped cream. The mess was from the drawer in the front to the back wall on the inside and in the frame of the door. Seriously, 3 1/2 cups of instant pudding and about a half a tub of whipped cream splattered through the grates of my refrigerator from the top shelf down through to the bottom.

The Softy wipes got all of that up with no problem, I was not being gentle pulling them out of the container and had a lot of things I wanted to say but didn't, as I cleaned it all up. It cleaned the mess so good, I had to wipe out the rest of the fridge to make it all evenly clean, I was VERY impressed with the cleaning power.

The Second Test...

My glass living room table. We had all of our family over to enjoy our meal and with the football game on and socializing, we all sat in there to eat. At one point there were 7 of us eating with drinks, plates, and what ever's, My table was so smudged I went to get out the glass cleaner but, my husband grabbed the Softy Wipes first and they did it! We have NEVER gotten the table so clean with a surface wipe unless it was for glass specifically.

Aron with softy wipes

Another great perk of this product to me is my hands didn't dry out by using them. I have very sensitive skin and most cleaning products make them so dry,

This is a GREAT product and I would recommend this to everyone.

 I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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